
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Daily Reflections

August 20, 2011

I would hazard a guess that you think the title refers to Jesus. Well, it could refer to Jesus, but in this case I intend it to refer to Bernard of Clairvaux whose feast day we celebrate today. In the Gospel for the weekday, we hear Jesus speaking about what it means to be a true leader. A good leader is not just one who knows what he is saying and teaching his people but one whose example you can follow as well. This is where a leader attains moral authority — when they practice what they preach.
Too often today, our leaders merely tell us what they think we want to hear in order to get our vote. This is simply an exercise in cynicism and should be condemned outright by anyone with moral authority. We need and should desire leaders who will lead by example and be the first to put into practice anything they teach. This is precisely why Jesus spoke with authority and likewise all the saints.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux was well known for speaking with authority that people would lock up their menfolk when he came to town to preach so that they would not be able to attend his services. Why? Because more often than not, they would leave everything behind them and follow Bernard back to his monastery and become Cistercian monks. Maybe the situation is a little exaggerated but Bernard must have had a remarkable effect upon those who listened to him preach for such a legend to have developed. It is important that we remember that his authority comes from the witness of his life that accompanied his preaching. Yes, maybe he had extraordinary gifts of oratory, but that is not enough to convince people to transform their lives in such extraordinary numbers. Kings and popes sought his wisdom as well, which further shows the authority of his preaching and wisdom.
There is no doubt in my mind that the Church needs preachers today who are as committed to the Gospel and their preaching as the saints have been down through the ages. Let us be committed to praying for the Holy Spirit to raise up men such as these. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
Do I practice what I preach? Am I as committed to living the Gospel as I should be?

Holy Spirit, help me to live both the letter and the spirit of the Gospel so that my life will be a true witness to God’s love for His people.

St. Edbert, pray for us.

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