
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Daily Reflections

August 17, 2011

It is a disaster for a country, any organization or community when its leader is corrupt, incompetent or just plain bad. This story or parable from the Old Testament expresses a home truth that we need to reflect upon, and especially when we have the opportunity to vote for our leaders in elections. We have to consider the motivations of those who present themselves for public office.
A true leader never seeks the power and responsibility of leadership for his or her own end. This is why it is important to study the character of our leaders before they take public office. In fact, we have a responsibility to do so. If we do not take this responsibility seriously then we have no right to complain about the incompetence of our leaders. A democratic country deserves the leaders they get, and the effectiveness and competency of a country’s leaders are directly dependent upon the responsibility of her voters.
In the parable, we see the reluctance of the supposedly preferred and better leaders— the “tree” who wants to rule over nature is the thorn bush. Clearly the thorn bush’s aspirations are not honorable. The question we need to find an answer to is why the preferred candidates forego the opportunity to lead. Is it because of the enormous responsibility of the position of leadership? I tend to think so. This is something that we rarely consider fully when speaking about leadership. The moral responsibility a leader accepts is enormous. It is greater than the moral responsibility assumed by public figures who do not hold legislative office because political leaders have the power to create and change the laws of the land and thus materially affect not just the present but the future generations.
Let us never forget to take our own responsibilities seriously when we vote, and let us remember to pray for our leaders that they fulfill their responsibilities well. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
How seriously do I take the responsibility of voting in an election?

Holy Spirit, help me to be a responsible citizen of my country by setting a good example through the witness of my life and supporting those leaders worthy of my support.

St. James the Deacon, pray for us.

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