
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Daily Reflections

August 9, 2011

One of the most perplexing problems of the modern world is world poverty. You are almost guaranteed a large sized headache if you think about it seriously. Never has there been as much wealth in the world than there is today. And yet we also see unprecedented levels of poverty in the present world. Try to make sense of that. Of course, you will tell me that selfishness is the problem and I will reply, “You are right!” But the bigger question, the one that causes all the headaches, is how do we change the hearts of men and women such that they become more willing to share?
Jesus aligns Himself with the poor, the weak and the oppressed. When He has to make a choice, He clearly shows us that this is where He stands. Yes, He has many dealings with the rich and powerful but they were always to bring about their conversion.
One of the questions that each person has to answer is, “How much space in my life do I devote to spiritual matters?” This is a key question, as it indicates the degree of our openness to God and His value system.
The world has a system of values that is largely based on selfishness, which is contrary to the Gospel. It is the change from selfishness to selflessness that the world has to embrace if the inequalities we experience today are going to be addressed in a just and successful manner.
Let us seek to do all that we can to right the wrongs that are so systemic in the way the institutions of the world work. Let us each be small lights of selflessness shining in the sea of selfishness, lighting the way for like-minded people to follow. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
Am I willing to make the necessary decisions to put an end to selfishness in my life?

Jesus, You were totally selfless in the way You lived Your life. Help me to follow Your example.

St. Amor, pray for us.

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