
Monday, August 1, 2011

Daily Reflections

July 31, 2011

The late Fr. Pascual Adorable, SJ, whom Buklod-Marriage Encounter members lovingly called “Fr. Ado,” loved to repeat in his talks: “It is the love, not only the power, of Jesus that heals us.” The Gospel narrative about Jesus’ miracle of feeding the five thousand validates this. As the evangelist stresses, it was the pity or compassion that Jesus felt in His heart that made Him do the great favor of healing people, teaching them and feeding them.
The mind tends to divide, dichotomize, distinguish. The mind argues and justifies. The heart, on the contrary, opens, reaches out, touches, empathizes, sympathizes, understands. Hence, the heart, which many times expresses itself in music and arts, has a universal appeal. It bridges people, regardless of race, color and creed. The heart appeals to our common humanity and, therefore, to human solidarity.
Christian ministry is not so much a challenge to preach the Good News through creative and discursive ways. Many a times, the simpler and more humane way of ministry — one that comes from the heart — is what proves effective. People are impressed by ideas but they are moved not by ideas. Passion from the heart is what truly touches people. With a sincere passion, people identify with another’s vision. The scribes and the Pharisees were persons of intelligence and ideas. They were respected and were seen as a group apart. Jesus, on the contrary, spoke about God’s truth from His heart. People began to say, “He speaks with a different authority... not like the scribes and the Pharisees.” Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
Recall some persons whom you consider as “heart persons.” Recall also some persons who impress you as “head persons.” Compare the impact of their words and works to your life.

May my words and works, Lord, always come from my heart and speak of Your love for Your people.

St. Neot, pray for us.

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