
Monday, July 25, 2011

Daily Reflections

July 24, 2011

Three years after my ordination to the priesthood in 1988, I began to get involved in the Marriage Encounter Weekend. This experience equipped me with tools for conflict handling and resolution. Over the years, I realized that no two relationships are the same and every love story is unique.
Jesus brings down to the level of His audience His teaching about the Kingdom of God which, by the way, is all about the “reign of God” in our lives. He used parables to illustrate this and the entire 13th chapter of Matthew is devoted to this. It is interesting to note that the treasures have varied stories. The treasure hidden in the field was a surprise for the person who found it. The pearl of great price was one that came to the merchant’s possession through his diligent and deliberate search for something valuable. The marvelous catch of fish was a blessing enjoyed by the fisherman through a combination of his untiring efforts and Divine Providence. Overall, Jesus was driving home the point that our stories of faith and love for God defy stereotypes. This is so because we, humans, are not only unique, but because God Himself is a God of all possibilities.
When I was young, my mother gave me an illustrated book on the lives of saints. I first fell in love with the beautiful pictures of the Apostles, martyrs, virgins, religious priests and nuns who have been officially recognized by the Church as models of holiness. As I read their lives, I marveled at how they all came to one common point: the saintly witness. They were men and women who had their own lives — some serene, some colorful and tumultuous, and so on — but each one had a personal encounter with God who changed them and made them fall in love with Him. St. Augustine, one of my favorites, led a life of pleasure and decadence until God transformed him. Later, in his autobiography entitled Confessions, he wrote, “Oh late have I loved Thee, Ancient Beauty ever new.”Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
To what will you liken your story of faith and love for God? Based on your walk with God, try to make your own parable about the Kingdom of God.

Lord, help me to trust that my walk with You is unique and what’s important is that You are the one leading the way.

St. Lewina, pray for us.

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